Thursday, April 10, 2008

Now You See It, Now You Don't

Think Dorothy, beautiful red slippers, and a dog named Toto... From a native Californian's perspective, I think I just got as close to a tornado as I ever thought I would. This is evidenced by the fact that our massively huge trampoline that was in our backyard last night at 9 pm was gone by 4 am. We feel quite fortunate that it, nor the accomanying stool, came crashing through our windows. We also feel grateful that we still have our trees as most our neighbors have lost theirs.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I am glad your house is OK. Having said that....Can I just tell you how funny you are. I love reading your blog. Keep up the good work. Sounds like you are loving TX.
Good for you. send more pix of your house. You know I love to see your decorations.

Take care.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! There's really nothing like a good funnel cloud and flying trampoline! My parents used to make us get in the bathtub with pillows and blankets. Crazy, but its a happy memory for me! Miss ya! Glad you are all okay --

Jessie said...

Oh my gosh how scary!
We don't have tornado's in Va! :)
I am glad you guys are okay and in one piece!

Jessie said...

The part about not having tornado's in Va....well that is a hint hint that maybe you should come back to Va.

The Dragonfly said...

Glad you guys are safe! Did you find your trampoline in someone else's yard? Salvagable?

I always knew when a tornado was coming when we lived in Kansas. The sky turned a weird almost greenish color and everything got really still - then chaos!