Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Um, No Child Left Behind?

Irony always pleases me. I don't know why, but I love finding it in various situations...except this one. Here is a link to an article about the school Lucy is attending from which I am considering her withdrawl for homeschool. http://www.allenisd.org/aisdweb.nsf/Content/NR100307?OpenDocument


Allie said...

Wow, homeschooling is more of an undertaking than I am up for. You are very brave. I feel like Maddie and I are at war when it comes time for her to do homework. The only thing that gets us by right now, is my reminder of "Hey, don't get mad at me. I'm not your teacher. I didn't assign you this..." How cool that her school in Texas is so great.

The Dragonfly said...

So now you need to help us understand why you're considering withdrawing her . . . is the article totally misleading? Are Lucy's educational needs not being met? Are you just looking for a challenge?

Rachael said...

No, the article isn't misleading. It's a good school. There are certainly advantages to being a native, though. The class isn't ideal for her. She doesn't have much in common with the kids - except this one adorable boy. The math isn't very challenging. When I talked to the VP about more challenging work, she indicated that Lucy could get more depth but couldn't progress beyond the current scope. Meaning, if they aren't doing fractions yet, she can't start that topic until the class does. No matter what.