Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Kindness of (Relative) Strangers

I've been sitting on this one for a while because I wanted to do it justice...
There is this lovely woman, Lori, that I'd met through Mackey's preschool http://http//fumc-allentx.org/ChildrenEd/Playday.html. Her son and Mackey are in the same class and get along famously. Several weeks ago, I was chatting in the hallway (me, chatting?) with another mom when Lori overheard me talking about my daughter Lucy at Norton Elementary. Yada yada yada, we figured out that it was the same Lucy that her daughter had (pleasantly) told her about from school. Over the next few weeks, we chat from time to time and talk about getting the kids together to play. How nice, right? It gets better. Fast forward a couple of weeks, and recall that aside from all of the good things happening down here in TX, there have also been a few challenges. Without going into the gory details, suffice it to say that Lucy's 2nd grade class is definitely, definitely not a good fit for her. Poor Lori happened to ask me, after a horrible couple of days with Lucy's class, how Lucy was adjusting. She got more than she bargained for (also recall how my shut up button doesn't always work). The long and the short of the sitch is that she gave me some great ideas for working things out at school and TOTALLY hooked Lucy up in her daughter's Girl Scout troop that had been full. All in the most helpful, genuine way.

Girl Scouts LogoIt has made all the difference in the world. Lucy actually has something to look forward to and the opportunity to meet other good little girls that go to her school. One of the things that makes this particularly interesting is that Lucy was going to join another GS troop where none of the girls went to her school, and I would have felt obligated to be a co-leader. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I just didn't feel right about it. In fact, I was getting ready to call my friend, Kory, to ask her about Achievement Days (church program for 8-11 year old girls) and Girl Scouts when a woman from church called me. We wound up discussing GS, and it really solidified my decision to stay away from the original troop. Truly, where a door shuts, a window opens!


Allie said...

Moving can be hard on any kid. I am glad that Lucy (and you) have found some good friends. Maddie is going to write Lucy a letter this afternoon, so hopefully getting some mail will be something else she can look forward to.

Jessie said...

Makes me sad Rach that she is having a hard time. When they don't enjoy school it is so hard to get them there everyday.
That's great about GS! I remember being a Brownie...
Good memories.
I think it's hard for girls too....how is Macky doing?
Well we miss you here!