It's a good thing I don't drink. Cuz I'd be an alchie fo sho. As it stands, I'm an M&M-ie.
I just threw away a partially...ok, mostly...finished bag of M&Ms. Not in the bag. Cuz I might go all George Castanza on it. No, I emptied out the contents into the trash can containing unsavory diapers so as not to be tempted.
We gotta do what works for us! You ended that temptation for me with the mention of "unsavory" diapers. Ew.
How funny!
I just raided my cabinets looking for M & M's. I found Hershys Kisses. Didn't do it for me like M & M's.
You're hilarious...I love this. Every once in a while, I have the courage to throw something evil and delicious away before it makes a permanent home on my thighs, but most of the time I just eat it.
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