Monday, July 23, 2007


Ok...a real estate update: a couple of offers on the house (brakes screeching!). This is absolutely one of those situations that we planned for but didn't really expect to happen as planned. Jon and I have long lived by the adage: If you want to make God laugh, make a plan. Can I use the word plan anymore? We'll see what happens. To view house, click: and ignore the dayglow sky... Somebody comment, please - I'm getting bored useless.


Allie said...

Well, Brooke, Justin and I did go to the openhouse since the Allens are starting to debate whether to continue to stuff their collection of children into miniscule townhouse bedrooms or move for some breathing room. We loved your house! There were lots of people going through it and I did not hear anything negative. If you must move, the least we can ask is that you fly in once a month for Wegman's night. Just dip into your rich profit from selling your house and come back to VA to play each month. Is that too much to ask?

The Carlsons said...

Crap, you can't move! I guess this is what you can expect when you put a great house on the market. Plus, you list of why you like TX out weights VA, hmmmm, is there a pattern here? Are you loving TX? More details, more details.

Rachael said...

When I read the comment about flying back monthly, I was with Lucy, who thought that was a great idea especially since you're the mom whose daughter has her own blog. There's your street cred. I'm so glad the house showed well. It's so weird to not have seen the final product.
Details? Well, I put up another post with details. The whole thing is weird - I just keep remembering your philosophy about jumping in to make new friends... But it's not like I won't hear from anyone again (right?); the blog thing is great for staying in touch.