Wiping the sleep from my eyes - the same bloodshot, twitchy ones from the doctor's office - I ask how I can help him.
Jon, with no preamble: I think I messed my hair up cuz I don't have a mirror or anything.
Jon, more than a little aggravated: just fade it in.
Me, a little offended: um, like you did? Beggars can't be chosers at 6:55 am. I'm struggling with getting it 'faded' just right.
He's getting increasingly agitated. Jon: Rachael, you do know that the clippers only cut where you put them, right? This isn't hard, you just go like this...(proceeds to demonstrate).
More remarks from me about going to beauty school, not being a boy, and not being the one to cut his own hair without a mirror, and above is the final product.
It's okay, it'll grow back in a couple of days. At least it ended with a smile.
What a good wife. I probably would have laughed at Alex and said "oh well". Ok, so I wouldn't have done that, but something pretty close. You have got some serious fading skills- it looks good. Can't wait to see you this week.
Men should never attempt to cut their own hair. I thought Ben was kidding around about cutting his hair once, and when I heard the sound of the clippers I figured it was just part of the effect. No, unfortunately, he was shearing his head. He was nearly bald and looking pretty bad. We were supposed to go to my Grandma's for dinner an hour later and my Grandma HATES buzzes, and she really let him have it. Of course, I found that largely amusing. However, my water broke that night and Maddie was born the next day so all of my first baby shots involve a husband with an unflatteringly bald head.
You are a good wife. My honey asks me to trim the sides of his hair all the time. However, I haven't been woken up. Too funny.
MK, I don't think you're even capable of saying something mean...it still looks like a bowl to me! Even tonight he asked if I could 'trim him up'. You'll know this weekend when we see you if I cut his hair or if he did...
hair cuts put more stress on our marriage than anything else! you know what they always say, the difference between a good haircut and a bad one is just a couple of days...so just wait it out!
hey, if you're up in allen, you should join our ward play group--we've got a great bunch of ladies and we welcome newcomers with open, cracker-filled arms! i'll e.mail you about this week's plans.
That is seriously the funniest thing ever!!! I'm never happy when I wake up, so waking up to that would have been a really bad scene in my house.
You are so funny!!!
Seriously, I think the haircut looks fine... at least in the picture.
Way to go Jon!
You are now just one easy step away from switching over to the carefree world of bald men. Just remove the attachments and no more money at the barber, no blending, combing, shampooing, brushing, gelling, and no more depending on others.
Yours truly,
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