After the Jolt jitters subsided
http://www.joltgum.com/, we pulled into a Marriott in Memphis
where we effectively lost the dog for a while and managed to get about 3 hours of sleep. It was really cool, though, cuz while I wasn't "Walking in Memphis"
http://www.songfacts.com/detail.php?id=67, I was able to get a run in that morning. I also ran in Ohio. In a bizarr-o world way, it was fun to run in several different states in unchartered territory. But Rachael, you didn't get lost? How could you track your milage? Never fear...Garmin is here
https://buy.garmin.com/shop/shop.do?cID=142&pID=349. It's my show and tell watch. Or, what Dawn's friend, Mario, likes to refer to as 'My Precious'
http://www.lordoftherings.net/. RANDOM, I know. But it gets RANDOM-er...to showcase my affinity for running and underscore my compulsion, I was going to post a picture of what inspired a phone call to Rebecca Vorimo the other day: a perfectly manicured, whole entire dead toenail detached from my toe. Yeah, it's good that we saw the

VanDerWerkens this weekend so that pictures of my dead toe nail don't make it to the blog.
Just like our trip to Dallas, that mind stream got a little off-track! From Memphis we were thinking we'd do a big ole 12 hour drive day and pull into Dallas late that night. Alas, it was not to be. Jon got a migraine...which upon reflection, seems odd to me since we were driving in separate cars, and I HAD THE KIDS AND THE DOG AND THE NON-STOP DISNEY DIN THE WHOLE ENTIRE COMPLETE TIME...(PS: the billboard reads "HELL IS REAL"...which I thought was

appropos for my trip) and we stopped in Little Rock, Arkansas. Which is kind of weird since you
pronounce Kansas phonetically and Arkansas (which is obviously just adding an 'ar' in front of Kansas) like it's from a totally foreign language. I will avoid making any remarks about the pronunciation and educational standards in that part of the south. But I will say this, I probably would never move to a state that ended in the following sound: -saw. Especially after almost being eaten alive by bugs within 8 seconds of opening my car door!
The next day's trip would have almost qualified as uneventful had

it not been for one thing... We made a stop for gas and lunch, etc. Standard-issue road trip activity...except for the part where my 4 year old son steps on a red ant nest and is bitten, like, 25 times!!!! And this isn't the first time he's done this!!! The poor kid. He got so swollen. But we got him his very own tube of anti-itch cream, and he was happy as could be to have something Lucy didn't have...even if they were red ant bites.
Yada yada yada, then we arrived in Dallas. The End.
Colin and Myles are concerned that you look so sad Macky!!!!
That would be Mackey's only caveat about TX: red ants! Mean, nasty, biting red ants!
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