First off...this post is NOT coming from a hospital. On that note, fans of the tv show 24 can imagine a minute by minute of this appointment.
2:05 pm: I'm going into a doctor's office with 3 kids who have not had (my) pleasure of napping (we're late because I got lost...even with navigation...).
2:26 pm: We go into the triage room where Calvin quickly realizes that he is the main course and proceeds to SCREAM REALLY LOUD.
3:17 pm: By the time Calvin is finishing up treatment number 1, Lucy and Mackey are doing their best not to literally bounce off the walls with the doctor's wheely cool stool. Lucy is setting a world record for longest running monologue in human history.
3:30 pm: Because the doctor is the most cool, laid back doctor I have ever seen or because he is taking pity on me (my left eye is bloodshot and starting to twitch), he starts playing with/giving noogies to Mackey allowing me use of both hands to manage the squirmy Calvin-child who hates the nebulizer. YADA YADA YADA...
4:04 pm: My deodrant has stopped working; and six medications later, we get into the PHSHTNK where my kids receive a thorough 'talking-to' about never going out in public ever again.
(See that mask on Calvin? Yeah, we get to hold that on his face 4 times a day for 20 minutes or so. It's like an Olympic event.)
1) Cruddy radio stations? Let me introduce you to 98.5 the beat, SATown's (read SAY-TOWN) #1 hiphop and R&B station. Having said that, point well taken. Thankfully we live in the age of XMradio...
2) We are so excited you are coming to visit. CANNOT WAIT.
3) We'll have to talk about Calvin and his lungs. Not that I am a pulmonologist or anything, but I hope he is OK and we'll keep him in our prayers.
4) Very excited to rep the PROS list re Texas. Hope we are cool enough for that!
I just laughed out loud reading your post. So, you're a doctor, right? Not just playing one on tv? Maybe you can teach me how to use a stethascope (phonetic spelling, you like?) for his lungs. We can hardly wait to see you guys! And, as the VDW family can attest, drive you crazy with my photojournaling for 'the blog'. See you soon!
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