Well, we just signed a contract to sell our house. I guess that's what happens when you hire really great agents...
Bear with me while I wax philosophic or you can opt for the Money Magazine link at the bottom. It's bitter-sweet (kindof like Starbuck's hot chocolate). I just got off the phone with Remi, and I am reminded of what great people I have had the pleasure and honor of associating with in VA. Oh my gosh! I've learned so much from being around good, solid, generous people. As I write this, I'm trying to keep my tears from dripping onto my keyboard... I love you all and hope that you gossip about me at Wegman's... Speaking of which, I close at the end of August; maybe I can make a Wegman's?

At the end of the day, we all have to make lemons into lemonade, find the silver lining, or bloom where we're planted...or fill in another colloquialism. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of 'box-checkers' here in TX, but I'm not so sure that the same awesomeness of people exist outside VA...unless, of course, they've lived there for a while and then (have to) leave. Ok, and then, church is a bit light-weight; I kindof miss the hell-fire and damnation of the Ashburn Stake =) vs. the 'all is well in Zion'.
But it's not the end...see if you/your husbands can get jobs down here. According to an article in Money magazine August 2007, more and more people are leaving the glamourous areas of NYC, LA, Boston, and SF [DC, too] to live in more affordably priced markets such as Phoenix, Charlotte, Atlanta, and DALLAS (see picture to right, $400-450,000 in NICE suburb) http://money.cnn.com/magazines/moneymag/moneymag_archive/2007/08/01/100137868/index.htm.
I had to do the plug. As always, here's my plea to comment. I love the connection.
Wow, that was fast! Congratulations on the quick sell. So are you going to stay in Dallas, or will you be testing the water in various areas of Texas?
PS I have not retired from blogging, it just seems that way
I was wondering! I check everyday! Just something short would even be great...
Yeah, it was quick. Dallas is the best market for us. We thought about Austin, but the market isn't as strong for Jon. We'll see, though. We're slated to visit San Antonio in August. (?) What are you doing up so late? The same thing I am?
Congratulations!! That was really fast! Hope you guys enjoy Texas. I'll plug San Antonio again..great food, great people and they've got the Spurs! Take care!
hey Rachael, your friend Allie (who is my friend in the blogiverse) told me that you just recently moved to Dallas. Where are you guys? We're in Plano...we've been here for a year, so I'm not an old time native, but I do know a thing or two. If you ever want to get together or just call with questions, let me know. if you link from here to my blog, there's some contact info there (my e.mail address) and we can go from there. Hope you're adjusting to the loveliness (??) that is Texas!
TEXAS ROCKS!!!! You will love it here. We have been here for 9 years. Fort Worth. Hubby works in Dallas. Ward is GREAT!!! Best ever. We really have the best friends and know the best people here. We are originally from UT and ID.
Texas all the way for us!!!!!
Jon and Rachel, I feel so out of touch with what is happening with you. we just had a wonderful trip to China then I was using every extra minute studying as I had to take my boards again (yes for the 4th time and they do not seem to be easier) I am impressed that you sold your home so quickly. I love your blog site and hope that I can add some comments
Texas does rock! I found your blog from a comment you made on Rochelle's. I love the people here. I hope you get all settled in soon.
You saw on my email that this is bitter sweet for me too... I'm not a big Starbucks fun, but I can see the correlation ;-)
We are sure going to miss you here in Brambleton.
Best of luck... and I will take you up on that offer!
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