Do they hand out honorary medical licenses if you've spent a certain number of hours in doctors' offices? Or do they hand those out once you return the 'at-home' stool sample kit for your 4 year old?
Monday: blissufully enjoy not spending better part of waking hours with doctors aka no idea what was to come.
Tuesday: 3 hours WAITING for pulmonologist and 3 hours of corresponding sleep when Calvin was up all night with ear infection. I develop an eye problem and request scrip at 3:30 am (on the machine, of course).
Wednesday: play phone tag with 3 different doctors' offices to coordinate various prescriptions for various ailments and attempt placation of crankly toddler - very cranky toddler. Calvin is on 2 OTC meds + 6 prescription meds which = big bucks. 'Quick' 1 hour doctor appointment where aforementioned stool sample kit was handed to aforementioned mother seeking doctorhood (or at least some props for not puking when they gave me the kit). Jon calls to say he'll be 3 hours late. Bribe Mackey with everything in my arsenal for him to a bowel movement when Daddy is home to do 'dirty work'. Pick Lucy up from school for dentist appointment along with 4 year old needing a stool sample and teething, no-nap-getting, ear-infection-having toddler. FUN TIMES. Have righteous indignation for: having been left with the crankiest toddler on the planet for way too long (+3 hours) and having to take multiple kids to multiple doctors' appointments on multiple days.
Thursday: Jon collects 'sample'...drop off 'sample'. Wow...and it's not even 8:30 am yet.
Dr. Rach,
So what is going on with Calvin? I hope you guys get better soon!
Ewwww. And I'm so sorry.
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