Perhaps Jon's reading Twilight makes him particularly tantalizing to the Ladayz. We were at a humongous church meeting today where Elder Uchtdorf spoke - and yes, he's dreamy; he spoke about fashion for a moment (sold! he's my new favorite!). While we were waiting, this older woman approached me and started giving me the Spanish Inquisition:
"What's your name?" "What's your husband's name?" "What ward (congregation) are you in?" "Are you new to the area?" So, I finally asked her what I could help her with.
It turns out she's in charge of a Book of Mormon live story thingy (a pageant?) in this area, and she thought Jon would be a GREAT character. To quote: "Your husband would be perfect! He's so big and strong! I saw your husband walk in and I gasped and had to find him!" To which, I responded that I do the same thing. Gasping that is.
Jon is, of course, rolling his eyes. So, he keeps his man card.
Rachel, I love your blog, read it ALL the time, and never post...and look how good you are to me.
PLEASE never stop cheer up my midnights.
Love. Brandy
Man, I wish my husband could keep his man card after reading the Twilight series. He lost it early in our marriage when it was 2AM and I awakened to find he wasn't in bed. I found him in the family room watching 'Sense and Sensibility.' He couldn't pry himself away to come to bed. Now if that's not a girly man, I don't know what is...
His sport of preference is wrestling. Something about wearing a leotard or unitard or whatever tard they call it, oh wait, I think it is called a singlet, is not my definition of manly.
He also let me give him a make over one night when we were bored.
Oh, I wish I could say that the list didn't go on and on...
He had a count down going for Breaking Dawn...
Still, he is quite amusing.
Allie, Jon and I are in tears. That is soooo funny, and I'm sure you published this with his consent. Was he watching S&S with his 'tard on?
I don't know you, Allie, but I so want to be your best friend. I can't stop laughing!
How funny about Heidi's husband. Hilarious!
My hubby didn't get past reading the first book before he decided he would have "no more of that silly teenage, lovesick girl." So, I commend John for following through! That makes him a total MAN in my book!
Hee hee. Troy won't even pick it up. I see where Mackey gets his lady magnetism now. It's all coming together... your new "Burn Notice" thing. We love that show! Yum Yum!
OK..OK.......I read the books (I had to try to comprehend the hysteria), but posing me for pictures when I am asleep is still way uncool.
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