Oh My GOSH!!! It's a good thing I don't swear - the kids would've gotten an EARFUL this morning. We were borrowing my dad's car - you know the kind...door handles that 2 year olds can reach because they're in a booster instead of their regular car seat cuz I don't know how to properly reinstall said carseat - and I was taking the kids to school. Low and behold I felt a strange gust of wind the same time the display showed that A DOOR IS OPEN. Calvin opened one of the car doors as I sped my way to a tardy slip. Mackey's quick reactions and cool thinking saved the day (cooler than mine). He climbed over to shut the door without prompting or remark (action without commentary is almost unheard of around here). Calvin is just becoming THAT kid. Sunday, he drew all over my mom's cream leather sofas. Yesterday he drew on my window sills. He hits his sibs and laughs. He drips food on the dog. He's a darling little menace...politely ferocious.
UGH! The scary thing? This isn't the first time a car door flew open mid drive. When Lucy was 2 (what IS it with 2 year olds?!), we brought her to Italy. I was toodling around a corner Rome when the door flew open, and my mom grabbed Lucy. Sooo, by my calculations, that leaves Mackey...
Such behavior must just be in the job description of a two year old. Maddie and Mylie have both opened car doors while we were driving on busy roads during their two year old year. Yes, Mylie did this two weeks ago while in my mother-in-laws car. I really appreciate that our Honda Odyssey disables the ability for the sliding doors to open unless that car is in park.
Oh my goddness. I would have had a heart attack!
Good thing he was buckled in!
That would be oh my goodness....
Feelin' your pain. I'm right there with you. That is EXACTLY why we had to do the mini.
Right now my dog currently has macaroni and cheese, blue clay, and something red stuck all over him.
yikes, rachael. i'm sure somehow it's jon's fault, though.
tanya, that's funny-- my baby currently has mac and cheese, blue clay, and something red stuck all over him (j/k). i guess i should stop reading twilight and start paying attention to my children. curse you, stephanie meyer.
Yes, Heidi, it IS Jon's fault somehow. I love how you see things the right (aka MY) way.
you crack me up. I need to get on your blog daily... and I am still laughing about your comment on my blog.
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