Maybe it's the time of year...argyle is sprouting up next to the long sleeve, ruffle neck button ups. Jeans yawn and stretch from a long summer's nap. Cardies are getting a little fresh air - even if it's just over a tank top at this point in the season. Cashmere needs a little more cultivation, but it, too, will be ripe soon. Even in Texas. (For a more poetic, less-fashiony description of autumn, check out Samantha.) And I, too, feel like I want a change. I did this last year (almost to the date check out last year's whine fest) but decided to play it safe as 'long hair girl' (coined from my dear ReBecca, who happens to be an AMAZING hair person). Alas, my two regular readers, it's time for me to whine about my hair. I don't have time to redesign my look with the celebrity hair tool off to the right, but of course I have time to post this fabulous picture of Gwyneth Paltrow's haircut that I love and am considering. What do you think???? She has small eyes, I have small eyes. She has a not quite dainty nose. I have a less than dainty nose
(ask me about all my Biggest Loser comments...random person: "has anyone ever told you that you look like someone on the Biggest Loser?" me [never having watched the show assume that they're talking about a contestant and am less than flattered]: "um, yeah...and I'm not sure it's a compliment." Then I google her and see the similarity - she got quite the sniffer...hmmm...maybe I should add THAT to my frankenstein list. Hopefully it's not the Jersey girl that just EMINATES from this Jillian that makes people think of me.). Anyway, back to Gwyneth. She gettin' the mommy eyes. I've got mommy eyes in SPADES. Therefore, I wonder if this cut would be good for me. Weigh in. Comment. Vote on the poll (it's anonymous) to your right. Feedback!!! I can barely decide what food to order in a restaurant...Anna? ReBecca? Ladayz????

Alas, I am obviously not up to date on hair styles, as evidenced by my lack of style atop my head. In fact, my hair is need of intervention. I am interested to see what you decide to do. Brooke always has a plethora of opinions (perhaps this only about my hair), but I'm sure she'd give you some good advice.
Oh, and I suppose I should mention my lack of style continues down from the top of my head to my feet. I live in fear of a surprise visit from that pair from TLC's "What Not To Wear." Unfortunately, I suppose their visit really wouldn't be much of a surprise...
I like Gwenyth's hair and think it would look cute on you, but I like the bangs you just cut too. - The sweater is way cute too!
I have been known to say that women of a "certain age" shouldn't keep that long hair thing going - but Hollywood continually bucks that trend with crazy extensions that make it look like someone grew a whole head o' hair over night! I think you would look FABULOUS with the Gwynny cut - it's still very hip and has some length to it.
I think that I've been in denial about my being a woman of a 'certain age'...
That is a beautiful cut. It would look great on you. Too cute!!!
That cut would look great on you. Anything would..
Too cute!
I think it would be really cute on you. You need to do that thing you did last time where you can put the cut on your head...
Love the sweater too...I have been diggin the argyle too lately.
Can't wait to see you!
I think Gwyneth's hair would look SO good on you- it would be perfect b/c your hair is so thick (something us, thinning hair people covet alot) and its so straight. And, the car story is hilarious...yeah, I don't know what would have flown out of my mouth if my girls would have done that.
Ok. Someone might need to hold my hand. You really have NO IDEA how much of a long hair girl I've become. Lamely vain.
I will totally go with you and even get mine done. I'm kinda getting tired of my same ol' hair style. Maybe a new color (for me) or a drastic cut. Tell me when and where.
But, I agree-- you'd look fabulous with the Gwyneth hair, and you look fabulous now with the bangs. I know, no help.
Heidi, you and Jon are really quite similar. If I didn't know better, I'd think he put you up to that vaguely non-response.
My only other lingering concern is how to have this cut keep from being a mom cut...to go along with mom jeans. No offense to anyone. But if you have mom jeans, you know who you are and you know we need to talk. I want to maintain some FUNK.
I think you could still maintain funk-how could you not?? But color always helps to keep it edgy. I say, hair grows back, GO FOR IT!!
Can't wait to see what happens!
That Gwyeneth cut does NOT cry out "mommy" at all. It's way trendy. Particularly with your fashion--- you'd still have middle-aged male waiters spoon-feeding my baby!!
Oh, and I don't think you look anything like that girl from Biggest Loser. She does have a schnoz, but you don't by any means.
Hair... I do like your hair now. Can't give you much advice on this one, wish I was good with hairstyle tips, not my forte! Love ya
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