You know how when you're humiliated in the grocery store when your child is throwing a tantrum and there's always an older woman there ready to offer advice? I actually don't...very much. My friends tell me about the nerve of some people to butt in, etc.
One of the first things I picked up as a parent is "avoid eye contact" in public places. Plus, I think after years of being married to MY husband, I have mastered a look that screams "don't even think about talking to me right now."
Having said ALL that, I'm soliciting unsolicited advice for two things:
1) I really, REALLY need to find another good book, preferably series, so that I will stop hearing vampire voices in my head, and
2) I really need to hear from the mommy crowd with kids in school. I'm finding it increasingly more difficult to carve out one-on-one time with each of my kids on a daily basis (prior to bedtime). There's just SO MUCH STUFF! What are you guys doing?