THAT caught your attention, right? Ok, so, we are HUGE fans of
http://dsc.discovery.com/fansites/manvswild/manvswild.html. And, much to my dismay today, we let our kids watch it because it is SOOO cool. There was an episode where the guy, Bear Grylls, was stranded in either Africa or Australia and was de-hydrated. He then proceeded to drink his 'own pee'. Fast forward to today: I'm having a nice civilized lunch with my boys at Pei Wei. Out of left field, my mouth full so as not to stop the onslaught of questions, Mackey in his not so quiet voice asks: "So, Mom, if I get lost in Africa I eat a dead zebra and drink my own pee, right?"
Me: Choke, sputter. "Um, no honey, that's..."
Mackey: "Oh...ok, so if I'm just in Africa I drink my own pee?"
Me: Sipping drink to clear blockage. "That's not what people automatically do in..."
Mackey: "Not Africa? Ok, so if I ever get lost anywhere, I drink my own pee?"
Me: listening to nearby snickers "There will be no need for pee-drinking of any sort, in any place where you may get lost."
I love it! Not drinking my own pee, but knowing I'm not the only mom with kids who say things like this. Plus, you have to admit, deep down you are relieved to know he won't die of dehydration should he get lost in Africa.
What's really scary is that I'm wondering when he'll (publically) reference eating a dead animal raw...as in road kill. Or utilizing the 'contents' of a dead animal's intestines. It's gonna come up at a restaurant for sure, and everyone will look at us like we're from Arkansas (TX version of West Virginia).
Yeah, but aren't you relieved? You're not alone. In fact, if I need a good laugh, I'm going to check out your last post again.
Love man vs. wild! Love kids who understand and internalize man vs. wild. Love moms cringing in restaurants while talking about man vs. wild!
So I'm thinking haven't you had enough bodily fluid moments this month? Gotta love kids who say just what they think.
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