You know those cages in Costco where they sell cigarettes in bulk (apparently to usher in carcinogens in bulk)? Well, Calvin managed to squeeze into an unoccupied one the other day. And I mean squeeze like a mouse. You know how mice can contort their bodies to squeeze into impossibly small places? Alas, so can babies. I testify that the fact that children are not born with whiskers is either a design flaw or proof positive that God has a sense of humor. Although, it wasn't so funny getting him out. I felt like an episode of Prison Break...minus the tattoos.
And of course I love double entendre...Calvin and I spent THREE hours waiting at the pulmonologist's office today. AAAAHHHHHHH.
He even has a great mug shot to go with his mischievous, behind-bars behavior!
You are hilarious - (even without your awesome kid stories!)
If you need it to feel more real next time, I can get you some lick on tatoos.
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