If you read the last post or two, there's been a medical/bodily function theme. Alas, butt weight, there's more. I went to pick up Calvin from the gym's childcare. He was ripe, but I decided to run home to change him. After letting the HVAC guys in, who had been waiting for me to come home (since when are THOSE guys early?!), I unzip the jammies (because it's been the kind of week where the youngest gets totted around in jammies until noon) AND THE very full (ergo 'weighty') DIAPER HAS COME OFF and there is RUNNY, STINKY POOP EVERYWHERE. Sigh. I save a lot of things: left over scrapbook paper, gift bags...but I do NOT and will NOT save for my cleaning pleasure rotten disgusting pooped all over onesies and jammies. So, ta ta. Maybe my husband willed this on me for his close encounters of the most disgusting kind this am with Mackey.
Ahhhhh....that totally reminds me of last spring when Sam had the flu for a week. We lost lots of clothes that week. Or when I had had it with potty training Jonah and cut the poop ridden underwear off his body. I'm sure he'll visit the psych about that some day. I'm sorry you had to deal with that....
Proof positive that poop issues are universal.
I am also a thrower awayer of pooped in potty training panties, pants, onesies! It's a rite to passage sister!
A true mommy moment. Love the tickle website, I took the color quiz and a love quiz. Now I need to figure how to put it on my blog. Hang in there girl.
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