Sunday, January 27, 2008
Prophet and President Hinckley Dies at 97


Pump Up the Jam
Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough (Single Version)
Low (feat. T-Pain)
Kiss Kiss (feat. T-Pain)
The Way I Are (feat. Keri Hilson & D.O.E.)
It Takes Two
Fantastic Voyage
California Love (Single Version) [feat. Dr. Dre]
Country Grammar (Hot...)
Ride Wit Me
Mo Money Mo Problems (Featuring Mase & Puff Daddy)
Glamorous (Extended Workout Mix)
One, Two Step
Lose Control (Featuring Ciara & Fat Man Scoop)
Headsprung (Radio Version)
Good Vibrations
Naughty Girl (Calderone Quayle Club Mix Edit)
Gangsta's Paradise (Amended LP Version)
Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
Wherever I May Roam
Enter Sandman
Ain't No Other Man
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Then I Drink My Own Pee, Right?
Me: Choke, sputter. "Um, no honey, that's..."
Mackey: "Oh...ok, so if I'm just in Africa I drink my own pee?"
Me: Sipping drink to clear blockage. "That's not what people automatically do in..."
Mackey: "Not Africa? Ok, so if I ever get lost anywhere, I drink my own pee?"
Me: listening to nearby snickers "There will be no need for pee-drinking of any sort, in any place where you may get lost."
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
But(t) Wait, There's More!

Rachael Fisher, MD
Monday: blissufully enjoy not spending better part of waking hours with doctors aka no idea what was to come.
Tuesday: 3 hours WAITING for pulmonologist and 3 hours of corresponding sleep when Calvin was up all night with ear infection. I develop an eye problem and request scrip at 3:30 am (on the machine, of course).
Wednesday: play phone tag with 3 different doctors' offices to coordinate various prescriptions for various ailments and attempt placation of crankly toddler - very cranky toddler. Calvin is on 2 OTC meds + 6 prescription meds which = big bucks. 'Quick' 1 hour doctor appointment where aforementioned stool sample kit was handed to aforementioned mother seeking doctorhood (or at least some props for not puking when they gave me the kit). Jon calls to say he'll be 3 hours late. Bribe Mackey with everything in my arsenal for him to poop...er...have a bowel movement when Daddy is home to do 'dirty work'. Pick Lucy up from school for dentist appointment along with 4 year old needing a stool sample and teething, no-nap-getting, ear-infection-having toddler. FUN TIMES. Have righteous indignation for: having been left with the crankiest toddler on the planet for way too long (+3 hours) and having to take multiple kids to multiple doctors' appointments on multiple days.
Thursday: Jon collects 'sample'...drop off 'sample'. Wow...and it's not even 8:30 am yet.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Calvin: Smoking Behind Bars
Monday, January 7, 2008
Peanut Butter Perfume and Activities NOT to do with a Baby

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Lord of the Flies, Naughty Names, and a Solution for the Middle East
Lord of the Flies http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_of_the_Flies...suffice it to say that when adult friends get together, sometimes, SOMETIMES, kids may go...umm...er...undersupervised for short periods of time. Evidenced by the fact that almost every single kid sustained some kind of injury or illness at some point during the weekend... The list of casualties:
Jackson - lightsaber right between the eyes resulting in large gash.
Ethan - remained elusive..? Correct me if I'm wrong, AVD.
Preston - threw up a few times and made full recovery by morning.
Taylor - hmmm...was she with Ethan or did she just not draw blood?
Mason - that kid is so sweet and mellow, I think he'd smile through anything.
Lucy - big digger coming home from church resulting in bloody, bruised up knees and elbows.
Mackey - took a chunk of skin out of his forhead on the trampoline (head wound = blood EVERYWHERE).
Calvin - looked at funny and screamed in addition to sustaining a broom
None of us had gone to bed any earlier than 2-3 am on any given night, so when NYE came around, I think that our judgement was a little impaired...
We - and by 'we' I actually mean 'I' - get a really good idea for New Year's...we set the clocks ahead (so that the kids think it's almost midnight [hello 9:00 pm]) and send them outside with fire. So, we gave
them all (minus the babies, of course, but I bet some
Weekend statement: The whole is more dangerous than the sum of its parts. - Mom(s)
- VanDersations: Jay and Angela have this really, REALLY funny way of talking that made me laugh every time I heard it. (I'm convinced that they must work on it as a family at Family Home Evening). Unfortunately, I was not
- Grocery shopping with an economist: as many of you know, Angela is an economist. As many of you may NOT know, Jodie and I are not. While merrily going about our shopping, searching out the worst possible prices (apparently) on Diet Dr. Pepper, Angela pointed out that THAT Diet
Making a grown man cry: while my husband went MIA and eveyone else was tending to kids, Steve, the good soul that he is...or the scared soul who wanted to supervise the making of the chili, offered to help chop onions. AKA: my LEAST favorite task... A few tears and some tips from his own chili-making ways later, a pretty decent chili was born. Another worthy onion side bar? Hannah LOVES to eat raw onions. We were trying to figure out a way for her to hustle Jon for a dollar in an onion-eating contest.
Some of the things we did staying up until 2 - 3 am every night:
- determined (for the millionth time) our...uh...um...er...(whisper: porn) names - the name of the dog you had as a kid + the name of the street you grew up on = porn name. We didn't get beyond Angela's: Sparky Chokecherry. That's funny now, but it's REALLY funny at 2 am.
- contemplated how to fix the US border issues and why they need a-fixin', predicted the ins and outs of the upcoming presidential election while weighing in on each of the candidates, discussed the electability of a Mormon candidate, and came up with a pragmatic solution to Iraq specifically and the Middle East in general. Suffice it to say: Hendricks for President!
- schools, kids, education, friends, activities, change, the airforce football game that some of the menfolk attended 12/31, how we all met (hurray for spandex!), and so on...there was some A.D.D.-age in there...I can't remember everything. Besides, it probably wouldn't amuse you unless you are reading this between 2-3 am.
Some of the resultant behavior from staying up until 2-3 am:
Grown women doing gymnastics in my living room. Was it the intense work out at the gym that got our blood movin'? Don't answer that; it's rhetorical. Um, no; our collective sub-consciouses must have decided against sweat so that we could run out to peruse purses sans the shower after the gym. Besides, without the low zone, conversational workout, Angela and I could have never demonstrated what kinds of words are acceptable in everyday conversation here in TX. IE: Gaydar...minus the hushed, conspiratol whisper. I will spare you the complete list of words and phrases that are acceptable in conversation, business meetings, and over loud-speakers.
perhaps another family will visit so I can