Friday, November 23, 2007

Midnight Madness and Gratitude

Yes, it's 3 am, and I want EVERYONE to know what in the world I'm doing up so late... I just got back from the outlet mall up the street! They opened at 12:01 am on Black Friday, and it was a nut house! Unlike anything I've ever seen. Everyone told me about how Dallas loves her shopping - well OHMYGOSH! Families milling 3 am. Crazy. I thought I was the only nutjob!

And onto the things that I am grateful for (besides easy access to an all-night shopping frenzy):

1. Health insurance: Calvin has picked up a new sport, and it's called chair-diving.

2. Place mats: Mackey, apparently, doesn't love my sweet potatoe casserole (which is killer - he's got 'issues'), and he proceeded to VOMIT the contents of his stomach onto said placemat during Thanksgiving dinner - protecting most of my new table.

3. Jon: He's got grit because before my not-so-mommy-like gag reflex could even kick in, Jon was over there cleaning up what had so uncerimoniously missed the aforementioned placemat.

4. Dickey's BBQ: They did a great job preparing the ham that we ate instead of turkey, thus maintaining my 14 year streak of NEVER having prepared a turkey at Thanksgiving...or ever for that matter.

5. Diet Dr. Pepper: Without which, most of the above wouldn't have been possible or bearable, and it is sooooo much better than Diet Coke.

6. Chiropractors: Without whom, again, none of the above would have been possible this week.
7. School projects: School projects make me happy! I'm not cleaning up the glue, and I probably wouldn't have come up with a papersack vest on my own.

8. Lifetime Fitness: For being open today - my first day back at the gym since the other, not-so-happy Friday - giving me the illusion of health maintenance during a time of "therapeutic" eating.
9. My wonderful children: If it weren't for them, I wouldn't need the chiropractor, the Diet DP, or many of the other things I'm grateful for. Mostly, though, I'm thankful for their wonderfully unique contributions to our family; their humor; their generosity and kindness towards others; and their flexibility in so many things...particularly because mommy said that she would make them pasta for Thanksgiving, forgot, and got away with popcorn as a substitute.


Allie said...

You're too funny. I especially loved the part about being grateful for your kids so you could be grateful for your kid remedies. So, did you score anything good at your midnight shopping run?

The Dragonfly said...

you are insane for doing the shopping in the middle of the night! I was warm in my bed while you were out in that madness! Truth be told though - was it worth it? Did you get "THE DEAL OF THE CENTURY"?