Ok, so I scored another free dozen donuts. 'Nuff said. No, I didn't eat them ALL by myself. But I'm lovin' that I can still score free food! It's so strangely rewarding for me.

So, the whole thing that set the Friday Night Donut Splurge in motion was Lucy's Girl Scout Diva night last week. She had a great time, and I have the gravity-defying pictures to prove it. As some of you may know, Lucy inherited her mother's (ahem) grace, and she's lucky to have survived the night in those heels without a trip to the ER. And, by the way, NO, I didn't just start dressing my daughter like an underage...well, anyway...those outfits were part of the dress up trunk the lady had there. After she changed back into her regular, age-appropriate clothes, she told me that she didn't like being so immodest. Whew! Hold that thought another 8-9 years...Needless to say,

after FIVE hours, I needed a little pick-me-up, and who doesn't need donuts? So, I thought if I was going to JUMP OFF THE SOUTH BEACH WAGON, jump big!
Lastly, I was doing some work on the computer yesterday, and I was having a hard time ignoring the din of Calvin's squawk. When I got up to see what was the matter, this is what I found...Calvin's new babysitter.
The pictures were priceless. Calvin looks like he is going to burn a hole through your camera with his eyes, since you are photographing him rather than freeing him. Ben did the same thing recently, run for the camera that is, when Mylie got her head stuck in the railing. What is your secret to free food? By the way, it turns out that you were Wegman's night's magic secret. Last month it was only me, Audrey, and Nicki Siri. By the way, I am glad you added the fourth K to your title so people wouldn't think there was a secret KKK message in your title. Also, I'm sure you've heard that PeiWei, ColdStone, RightStart, and more fabulous establishments have cozied themselves in with Wegman's and Target. Why did you move again?
Oh, and apparently I say "by the way" a million times when I type comments...by the way....
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