I have a dirty secret...I don't think anyone else I know does this...but I let my kids, ok, just Mackey, dress himself. Unless you've spent time around him, you couldn't possibly get his flair for drama (total Fisher trait, right?). It's just not the battle I'm going down for. And if I weren't such a techno peasant (new phrase totally ripped off from Amy Foulger!), I'd figure out how to scan Mackey's preschool picture. Wouldn't you know - it's the best picture that cute little boy has ever taken - and he's wearing a t-shirt with a tie painted on with his mis-matched camo shorts. When my husband saw the pix, he was mortified. I giggled. I'm reminded of my friend Jenn Mangum's comments one time about a less than perfect school picture a child of hers got back; she said that it captured his essence during that time of his life. So, Jason, since my husband won't get around to helping me on this, would you please walk me through "Scanning: 101"? Or anyone else for that matter?
On a different note, this is what my kids look like when IIIIIIIII dress them...
Ok, I'm in total responsibility avoidance mode...I have a mountain of paperwork to do, and I wrote this random post instead.
Crazy question, but I gotta ask...
You do own a scanner right?
Um, I think so...ask a crazy question, get a crazy answer...we have a combo printer...
This post reminded me of one my cousin recently posted. I think you'll appreciate it:
Calvin will appreciate that picture with the painted on tie when he is older!!!
That is a good quality to let them dress themselves.
One time my mother in law was watching my kids while I was on a trip with Conwey and
when my kids got up and she told them to go get dressed they responded with WHAT???? You mean we get to go pick out what ever we want to wear to school!!!!
She I am sure couldn't believe it. But I am telling you in my defense it just makes my life easier to lay out their clothes the night before......
I have started letting Hunter pick out his own clothes now that he is 13....ha ha.
Sorry I meant Mackey...I was thinking Calvin because if the picture....
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