Thursday, July 30, 2009

That Boom Boom Pow

It's official! Calvin is potty-trained!!! Which, for the 2 of you who read this that aren't moms, means he doing double duty in the potty and waking up dry (unless I give him a gallon water before bed or something)!!!! Ok, and, well, technically, wiping is a different story, but hey...
We celebrated by going on a date to Old MacDonald's (which is like kryptonite to me, so you KNOW what a big deal this is), the movies (with an itty bitty stop at Nordstrom's on the way), Yogaliscious, and the maze.
Which isn't to say this kid isn't MILKING his new-found stardom. I swear that kid can smell when to go in for the manipulative kill...and that's why I adore him!!!


Allie said...

I must admit, potty training is something I HATE with a passion. Husbands don't seem to grasp the full amount of torture and sacrifice that falls upon a mother's shoulders during a potty training time. At least my husband doesn't. He may clean up one, perhaps two accidents the entire time. He may receive one or two phone calls from the training child where he is expected to shower them with praise. Other than that, it is like he goes to work and magically returns to a trained child.

I felt momentary sadness when my youngest no longer needed a crib, when we sold the high chair, when she moved from a carseat to a booster seat. I, however, felt only joy with the transition to underwear. Hallelujah this day was a long time coming!

Calvin is so cute in those pictures with the lollipop. He looks so grown up!

We're still working on wiping with Mylie also. But to me, no accidents means trained!

At our house we are celebrating Mylie's recent status as underwear wearer by replacing all of our flooring.

Congratulations!!!! I know that completely potty training any child is an exciting time, but to potty training your final child feels like the ultimate victory!

Allie said...

Oh and yes, I did not proof read that final sentence before posting my blog. I will leave you to your deductive reasoning to figure out what I meant.

Jessica said...