Fast forward.

One night we were out to dinner with the VanDerwerkens at Central Market which has awesome food and cheap kid eats (Angela and I usually plan our food forays around 'kids eat free'). Angela starts talking about cruises, cruises with families, etc. I state my concerns, and she laughs at me the way Jon laughs at me (they are strikingly similar - one day I'll blog about the sports bra).
Fast forward...or more a slow forward like frame by frame.
I suggested going kayaking (how very rugged of me) the next day...which was a Saturday. Of course, Angela, who actually lives here and isn't in vacation-ish, husband-travel limbo, had plans. Not what I'd classify as lame plans...but they were definitely going to get in the way of our kayaking. She can't get out of the first yoga class she's going to teach at LTF, but playing the organ at a funeral?
Enter bad friend: "Angela, can't you get someone else to do that?"
Angela: "Ok, if you go on a cruise."
So, it's settled: I sell my boating birthright for a day kayaking with friends and Angela's an organ (playing) donor.
Hilarious! Ben and I like the idea of the Disney Cruise. You know that's got to be safe and child-friendly. I know several families that have gone on Disney cruises and they say the child care is amazing (ie- open until 1AM and the kids have so much fun they're happy to be there whenever mom and dad need some alone time)
HA! Organ donor...you are such the clever one ;) It sounds so romantic when you write about it, but the bottome line is this: now you have to own up to it! I double dog dare you to book a cruise date and put it out there for all of us to join you on. Wouldn't that be such a blast!?
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