Let me set this up. We are in Austin, TX. Which is like the 'weirdest' place on earth. Which I kindof love because I grew up near Berkeley, CA and which I kindof hate because I vote republican. Anyway, hippie, hippie, hippie. Organic EVERYTHING. Whole Foods everywhere. Crunchy, tree-huggy people everywhere. I've never seen more REIs nor smelled more 'natural' deodrant in my life (in the USA). In fact, a guy brought his gigantic floor model BONG to the pool. No joke. Jon and I had been commenting on it for days! Hippieville.
Enter the Too Much Information (TMI) zone: Last time we were in Austin, nevermind. Jon wants me to yada yada yada over this part. A funny idea struck me - maybe it's funny to me because Jon is so, SO ultra-conservative.
Me: "Why don't you go to the Whole Foods across the street and ask them if they carry any organic condoms?"
Jon: "What?! I'm not gonna do that! That's ridiculous. I don't even think there is such a thing."
Me: "So what? It'd be hilarious. Cuz you know they'd look around for it. And if they didn't believe you, you could say how you saw it in some 'Organic Digest' magazine or something. And duh, don't they keep up with their market, yada yada yada. Just sell it."
Jon: "Yeah, I'll tell it's made from seaweed or something. I don't think I could keep a straight face."
Me: "I'll video you...discreetly. You'd go down in blogger/you tube history!!! Come ON!! It'd be sooo funny! I double-dog dare you!"
Challenge: So, we're at a standstill. I still think it would be hilarious to film him doing this. Do you? Would you like to see this funny little exchange? Please see poll to the side or leave a comment. I'm hoping to peer pressure him into it!!!
Oh my gosh please do it....I need a good laugh.
This is so hilarious. I love to visit Austin, but I totally agree with you - What's with all the "Keep Austin Weird" t-shirts. Isn't it weird enough on it's own without having to remind everyone on a t-shirt to keep it weird. I'd love to see what happens!
I triple dog dare you!
I'm waiting around for this one.
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