But first, a little background...
Everyone knows that I hold my husband in highest regard. Having said that, he is still a Dad and not a Mom. We're moving in on Saturday: Jon takes Mackey to do all the U-Haul stuff, pick-ups,
un-packing, etc. while I take Lucy for a special test. Sometime during the Mack-Daddy male bonding, a Swiss-Army knife is exchanged, as in: "Here, Mackey, why don't I give you this knife." Jon assures me, even as I write this, that they had 'an understanding' that it was only to be used under adult supervision. In the mele, Jon forgets to retrieve the knife back from Mackey, and Mackey, no fool, doesn't mention it either.
Fast forward to Sunday after church...
Me: So, guys what kind of stuff did you do in Primary today?
Mackey: We colored pictures of bunnies. Oh, and I have my knife.
Me (cough, sputter - low, conspiratol tone): What?! Please tell me that you didn't you show that to all the kids in your class?!
Mackey (matter-of-factly): No, Mom, just my teachers.
Lucy (as loud as her 7 year old voice can strain): Mackey! You can't bring a knife to church! They're gonna think that Mom is rasing a terrorist!!!
Yes, this is actually my life. But wait! There's more (just minus that public humiliation - a subject in which I could probably earn a PhD...)
Tonight, we were just on our way to a Waffle and Ice Cream Social for the newly moved in members of our church congregation. Really fun. On our way, Mackey points out that he saw a small boy riding his bike without 'adult supervision'. Lucy, smartly stunned at both the thought of a child not being supervised and the irony of Mackey's keen observation of such, has to counter with an alternative possibility: "Well, yeah, or he could just have dwarfism." Of course, dwarfism.
seriously though - I want to be a fly on the wall at your house just to hear your kids make these comments! That is awesome! (The comments, not the knife)
Dwarfism? Not on the Friday spelling test for Madden.
You guys are funny.
Keep em coming.
Hilarious. I can just "see" Lucy saying that. We miss you soooo much!
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