I've had a lot of fun virtually

furnishing my make-believe house that I don't have possession of yet. I've clogged up our tight living quarters with furniture and flatware, and I've placed orders for certain things to arrive at the new house that I thought would take longer to ship. Unfortunately, what I didn't account for was my geographical change within the United States.

Huh, you say? Since Texas is smack dab in the middle of the country, 1) alot of places have warehouses here: Target and Horchow for starters, and 2) a lot of distribution is done in the midwest putting us closer to the

delivery source. For instance, I ordered 4 chairs from my beloved
http://target.com/ on a Monday afternoon. No kidding, they arrived Tuesday afternoon. I was budgeting ship times based on my experiences in back east, very congested metro Virginia.
Perhaps I jumped the gun because it all bit me in the behiney last night. I was checking the status of an order I had placed on
http://overstock.com/, when I realized

that the extremely cool leopard print rug I'd ordered arrived a day early...and was

marked as deliverd to doorstep. Crud. As you can imagine, the rug was nowhere to be found when I got there this a.m. After calling the construction manager, sales guy, and my dad (to plan a return for reward strategy), I decided to live chat with Overstock. They gave me NO GRIEF at all and offered to replace rug if it wasn't to be found by UPS. I was so impressed, I had to tell all of you about it. And by all, I
mean my 6 faithful readers! I've included some pix of a
couple of things I've ordered...
The fact that you ordered a leopard print rug alone makes me fall down at your feet and exclaim, "Ultracool" - not to mention the fact that I loved all the things you've chosen for your house thus far . . . how did I not enjoy you more while you were here? (PS. We own every single LIKEN video! But after watching them 20 times each, my kids are no longer impressed. I still find them hilarious though)
Make that 7. Love all of it! I know you are having sooo much fun. Wish I could do it, not so much the move and all. The rug will turn up. Let us know.
Make that 8!! I haven't been able to read in a long time... but I'm catching up today!
Love your new loot!
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