Sunday, September 30, 2007
Raising a Terrorist (?) and Dwarfism
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
All Hail

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Help! I'm Having a Hairstyle Crisis!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Milepebbles...not so much stones
- RN: Is he walking? ME: Uh...well...he Spiderman. Does that count? Have you seen his thighs? You'd have a hard time moving those things around, too!
- RN: How many words does he have? At least 5-10, right? ME: Words...words? He really likes to point out balls...Oh! And mom. Er... How many did you say he should have?
- RN: How many servings of vegetables does he eat a
day? (Really long pause - I barely cook in the apartment) ME: Servings a DAY? Or a WEEK?
- RN: What animals does he know? ME: Well, there's Yoda and then there's Chewbacca, but I'm not sure they have patent 'sounds'. Well, Chewbacca does. I actually think that he's skipped the whole 'animal thing'...
I'm laying this all squarely at the feet children. They baby the baby. He barely has to talk to get what he wants, let alone move. And then there's the whole 'in transition'.
The (really great, by the way) RN ended the appointment with: "Well, don't hesitate to call to schedule an appointment if you get worried about his development."
Heath Wincott 38

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Love, Logic, and Preschool In No Particular Order
Also, and no, I don't have pictures yet, Mackey started preschool this week! We slipped him into a great program when someone dropped at the very last moment! Wahoo! I had no idea just how 'competitive' it was (in the most Ashburn, VA kind of way) until I ran into a mom who goes to my church outside the classroom. (Wow! That was a lot of prepositions!) She was stunned that a newbie a) found it out and b) could get in on short notice.
Because they have full-day kindergarten, preschool hours are long to ease transition: 9 am - 2 pm. They even have a nap time! Is that not the cutest thing??? I was commenting to Kim Auch that long preschool hours are bitter-sweet: it's the start of an educational career centered on his spending a long time with other people; and it's nice to have the break. After a week of him being home sick, difficult sick not darling sick, it's less bitter.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Walmart - The Freaks Come Out at Night
Case in point (and I am NOT making this up): My kids were all home sick today, so I wanted to go running at the gym tonight after they went to bed - just to get out. Afterwards, I went to the aforementioned Walmart to pick up some bread, milk, and other sundries. I get my groceries; and no matter where I'm at, I cannot resist looking at clothes. So, I'm checking out some little boy t-shirts in the children's department. Some young-ish guy (shopping for little kid clothes, too?) looks at me, smiles, and says something. I'm kind of deaf, so, stepping closer, I politely ask him to repeat himself. He says something again. He's so darn quiet, so, again, I ask him to repeat himself. Seriously, this goes on two more times. I really don't hear very well, especially if there's a lot of other environmental in a Walmart at 10 pm when people go shopping with all of their extended family and children in tow. But anyway, I finally hear him: "Are you interested in a one-time fling?" Huh? Me? I'm shopping for kids clothes?! I was so embarrassed! I half laughed, half turned away and said, "No thank you." No thank you. Who says NO THANK YOU?! As I'm walking away, I think of all the things I SHOULD have said. One, in particular: "Um, seriously, has that ever worked before?" (Ever the curious sociologist.) So, please weigh in: what should I have said? What would you have said? Remi, my dear, quick-witted friend, I want to hear from you, too!!!!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Week of Firsts
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Dirty Dancing...Only, Not Really

Monday, September 3, 2007
Ooops? Did I Mention We Bought a House?
- The checking of the structural 'boxes': 2 bdrms down/3 up, library down, study up, media rm, and game rm.
- Real estate agent agitation...actually that's putting it mildly: Jon was positively giddy to 'break up' with the stalker agent - although I was a bit apprehensive about the possibility of coming home to rabbit soup( So, we just struck out on our own.
- Home search exhaustion: every spare minute we had was spent determining where to much so that my kids grew very accustomed to the model home diet of soda and treats and kicking back in the media room.
- Three VERY LOUD kids in a 1000 square feet (I don't have any idea how people at Y Mount do it)
- It will be ready by the end of September-ish...Um, did you say September? Sold!