At my husband's prompting, I am writing this most recent segment about things that Calvin aka 'The Three Year Old' says. This is a sampling from today.
In prayers:
"Thank you, Iron Man, for keeping us safe."
"Thank you for Iron Man."
"Thank you, Jesus, for guns."
In conversation:
"Oh yeah, baby, it's on."
By the way, this is the same husband who astutely noted that in the morning I communicate by grunting; and in the evening, I communicate by sighing. I need to remember how great he is when I'm tempted to extort him with expensive purses.
1 comment:
I would call on Calvin ALL of the time if those are the kinds of prayers he gives.
I am not sure where kids come up with the things they say. When I told Andrew to go up and spank Ben for not coming down to dinner after being called down three times, Andrew (four at the time) said he was going to spank Ben so hard "he'd be crying for Jesus."
Zack always prays that Ben and I will have patience and show love. Very smart on his part.
Andrew gave a VERRRRRRY long opening prayer in primary recently on his own which included such gems like we are "grateful for families so that when we have snow days or holidays or we're sick, we can stay home from school and see them" and "we're grateful we can get married..........in temples."
Calvin is awesome. I love the picture of him in the carseat. That kid's got attitude!
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