The one night in Texas that has gotten in the 30s...thank goodness for Niki and her bun-warmers and Heidi bringing hot chocolate...(we won't bug you with special orders...but can you make mine a non-fat, no whip?)
The theater manager...who looks like a vampire next to the tanning-bed frequenter...who let a lot of us in out of the cold.
The two girls on the far right, Laurel and Monika, set up camp the earliest and got us a spot outside the wind and were ultimately responsible for about 12 women cutting in line. Naughty, naughty us.
These are two of the girls that work at my gym in the childcare center who are absolutely adorable!
And while I cannot take full responsibility for 'infecting' Miss Stephanie (Calvin's preschool teacher!), I egged her on as she blazed through all the books just in time for the movie premiere and graciously appreciated when I sent Calvin to school in a shirt that read: Twilight Orphan.
And lastly, my review. I will be brief...
I had the BEST experience going early with some super fun friends...Eating a lot candy (Susie totally indulging my LOVE for all things Butterfinger and Red Vine) and chatting with everyone in line. After 4 hours, you become tight with total strangers. Don't believe me? See '24' post.
It was great to be in a theater where everyone was screaming for the characters and making it a great time.
Having said that...I know one needs to suspend reality and lower expectations for a movie based on a book. Apparently I needed to put reality into a morphine-induced coma. The movie felt to me like an odd Saturday Night Live parody of my favorite books. Therefore, I would petition for a new screenwriter, a new director, and a bigger budget for the next movies in the series. And me in charge of wardrobing. Duh.
I am, however, suspending final judgement until I see it again later this week sans the screaming, over excited crowd and the Monster drink buzz. THEN we'll see if Jasper's expressions were really as goofy as I thought, if Bella could get a sentence out fluidly without all the sticatto, if Edward ACTUALLY HELD HIS NOSE in biology, if I could actually buy their affection for each other... See? This may be the sleep-deprived zombie speaking. Ok. Re-reading that, I sound really critical. Sorry. Still love Twilight. Wahoo. Giving it a second shot. Doing my part to contribute to the $70 million opening...
If I had never read the book, I don't think I would want to after watching the movie. I did not like it either. It needed more character time with the Cullens, more background information, and another hour with a better budget. I was happy with the casting of James, Laurent, and Victoria however.
I am totally with you! Although, when I saw it the 2nd time, I did like it better...but Jasper still looks too weird.
the books are still way better of course!
Twilighters Forever!! Go Us!
Let's go see it again!!!!
Hey Rachel,
I found your blog from some of my old emails, really enjoy reading your blog, thanks for posting. Miss you and your family.
Jane Peterson from Shanghai
There are some more lacks
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