After a typical Monday consisting of chore chart amnesia (I hate to burst any bubbles here, but there are, indeed, stupid questions and they are often asked by the short people roaming around our home), kid-less gym-bliss, playdates, and not quite enough of the right groceries, I headed out to run 5:08 pm. In the course of (my) human events, I'm on the phone with my friend, Heidi, telling her how I'm sitting in the parking lot of the grocery store waiting for my kids to wake up and emailing some VA friends, Audrey and Remi. (Don't you love all the name-dropping in this post?) The sweet friend that Heidi is...she insists that we come over for dinner. They're having left-overs, and we'd be doing them a favor. Let's refresh everybody on the fact that I'm a whore for free food-ok, that's a bit strong for some audience really love it? I absolutely become a frat guy going home for the weekend. My really good, care-taking (that's a whole 'nother post) chef friends, ReBecca and Dawn, know this about me. I digress. Yada yada yada...Heidi and her left-over roast and various accouterments made our day!!! Thank you, Heidi!!!

However, we had to leave the comfortable harbor of her culinary bliss to the choppy waters of 'keeping the kids out way too late for any one's good at SuperTarget'. Yes, I was THAT mom. But there's a silver lining. You know how Target knocks off all sorts of labels? In particular, Pottery Barn and various clothing lines? Well they just knocked off one of my favorite JCrew dress! Wahoo! So I picked one up in grey. Or gray. Which is it? And why are both spellings acceptable? Or except-able? Whatever. Cuz 5 wasn't enough...issued. This, I know about myself.
There was a third thing...but I've been side-tracked thinking about how cute that dress is. And the pic is SO not doing it justice. It reminds me more of the blue one.

Maybe it's because I spoke (albeit briefly) to my friend, Remi, and it was nice, and she made me feel missed...and the 2% milk I'm drinking cuz we're out of blue milk.
Oh...and I finally broke down and bought Twilight. Mostly cuz I'm curious as to what the cult-like, frenzied fuss is all about. This will be my first fictional reading in...a long time.
Your day ended much better than mine. Family Home Evening did not help me remember why I wanted to be with these people forever. I can't wait until the sun goes into hiding again, so my kids start realizing I'm not just telling them it is bedtime even though the sun is still up. There is far too much insanity going on in this house, because certain members are sleep deprived. I love my kids, but my love for them grows when their behavior is human rather than beastly. I hope you like Twilight. I read the first three books in July and the last one over the weekend ( did Ben).
You are going to love Twilight! I have read the 1st 3 books atleast 5 times each & I am reading the last book for the 2nd time now.....
Call me when you finish it so I can see what you think!
I'm glad you said that b/c I struggle with the whole gray/grey thing too. Thank you for having Lucy bring me the needed item for Jack yesterday and for asking if I was ok. You are so sweet. Just another day with me and my boys!!
Hunter just picked up Twilight at the beach and started reading it and is almost done with it. He said it's really good...too funny he is a 13 year old boy.
All Conwey's family are crazy for those books.
And of course we miss you here in Va!!!
If you ever came back to visit you would feel the love!!!
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