Go ahead. Ask me what I did tonight. I spent the night with this guy! Ok, it was from a 100 feet away, and I only talked to him for a minute, but I listened to him for hours. I went to a
Gavin Degraw concert and met him afterwards. It was amazing. He has one of the best voices I've ever heard. He and
Joss Stone. Fab live performance. Take that you stupid wrinkles. Although I was probably one of the oldest people at the concert...(to which dear Gavin Degraw responded that surely I wasn't...sigh...).
Responded that you weren't the oldest?? Did the great poem about your favorite things payoff? Happy (belated )Mom's Day!
Forgot to ask, how did you get to talk to him?
You need to tell us more about this story....like who did you go with, was this a gift or a I'm going to do this type of thing....more info please. That's so I can live vicariously through you.
Vicariously through ME?? Ha! My sched isn't NEARLY as biz-ay as yours! Jon and I took off to this AWESOME Taste Addison - like Taste of Reston/DC on steroids (the whole TX thing, I guess). They showcase faire from all these GREAT restaurants - including the Melting Pot - in addition to rides for kids (should someone be so inclined - NOT US!). Keep in mind, there is only a $5 cover...AND YOU GET A FREE CONCERT which included Switchfoot and Gavin Degraw (who I love!). We brought a sheet and hung out on the lawn while we ate our food. The event took 10 years off my suburban soccer mom life - even if for a night. AND!!! If you made your husband stay afterwards for an hour and a half sandwiched in a drunken crowd, you got to meet Gavin Degraw and have him sign something. He was GREAT live. Very talented.
So, Audrey, if you and anyone else want to visit the great state of TX, plan it around THIS.
Jodie, so far on my fave things list: bra and swim top.
Audrey's been keeping me updated on your celeb contact with Gavin. Maybe you and I could swap stories and I could tell you about Reese!
Seriously though, I love that guy's music and am insanely jealous! Lucky you.
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