Incidentally, Mackey's preschool just held their parent teacher conferences. In anticipation, I recall my experience with preschool conferences for Lucy; her teachers lauded her accomplishments, intelligence, and behavior (all inherited from Jon)...in her little 2 year old class, her teacher even commented that if she needed to be absent, she was confident that Lucy could take over. I remember Mackey's past conferences have been a little different - which is fine. In the past, I went eagerly and naively, expecting to hear Lucy-brand praise for a not Lucy-brand child. Instead:
Me (a little too confidently): "So, how's it going with Mackey?"
Teacher (a little uncomfortable with my over-confidence): "Well..."
Fast forward to this past Thursday...
So, positioned as we were in chairs made for tiny behineys, I wasn't sure what to expect from this conference. Micky opened with praise for Mack's accomplishments, intellectual brilliance (Dawn, if you're reading, you were absolutely right about Mackey!), charisma, and kind-heartedness. Sensing a "but", I probed...(kindof an alien encounter pun, there. Sorry.) We then discussed her concern about Mackey's manipulating and bossing his peers - clearly using super
powers for wrong - and how he is Teflon about taking responsibility for his negative behavior. I immediately saw the reflection of myself in his Teflon-like behavior and blushed at having the evidence of my own bad example laid before me.

As I write this, I catch myself - does anyone else do this? - taking responsibility for the negative behaviors my children may exhibit (nurture) while attributing their good ones to nature? During the praise part, I smile and nod giddily, not connecting the good with the me. But the minute preschool humanity rears its less-than-pretty head...
And while Lucy more closely reflects Jon in behavior, I can take credit for some influence. Just not in the forum of my choosing. For example, I went to Lucy's Open House on that same Thursday. In the hallway outside the
classroom, a couple of students' "If I Were President" projects were hanging on the wall. I found Lucy's among them and read (with great supporting reasons): "If I were President, I would bomb Iraq, make kids be homeschooled, and imprison people that used potty talk outside of the bathroom." I guess I have more influence than I think!

In the same political vein, I was listening to talk radio (some things never change - at least these are syndicated so I don't call in) when some remark got me all fired up. Just Calvin - not quite a chatterbox yet - was in the car and an errant "IDIOT" escaped my lips. Yes, yes, the echo came jumbled out through the holes of the pacifier-stuffed mouth behind me. And, as evidenced in the picture, you can never underestimate the influence of an older brother who loves Nerf dart guns.
Yes, we take all the blame but little of the credit. At least we aren't the annoying moms who do it the other way around. :)
Yes, I do know the Casillas family! How did I not know they went to Tuckahoe, too?!
Hey Rach..your posts always have me laughing!
Your a great writer.
Hey I just noticed my name in the comment above.....who is Alexandra?
Sean, Rush, Laura, and Glenn would be proud--- as am I!!!
OK, I was laughing so hard as I read this. I especially loved what Lucy would do as president. Total gems!
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