When did THAT happen??? I still remember the day he was born. What a good temperment he had as a baby. His Goldy Locks - such a beautiful baby boy:
Stranger: "What pretty girls you have!"
Me: "Thank you!"
So many things!
How Jon cut those locks when I had to leave town for a funeral. How he wouldn't go to nursery until well after is 2nd birthday. How we'll ignore the ages of 3 and a lot of age 4. How now I get a concillatory hug and kiss before preschool drop off. How excited he gets when he masters a new Transformer (which is no small feat; I can't work those things!). How he sees a Sunbeam friend of his on
her first Sunday in primary and goes out of his way to say 'hi, how are you doing?' and make her feel welcome. How when he talks to Jon on the phone when he's out of town, the first thing he says is: "Hi, how's it going down there? Are you doing a lot of good work?" How when he says his prayers he says that he is thankful for how hard daddy works for our family...and when he's a daddy, he wants to be a good daddy, too. How he points out that I make mistakes, too, but he loves me no matter what.
Mackey is a never-ending source of humor, sensitivity, service, and boyness as defined: noise with dirt on it. When we sit around with our grown children (in the most-distant future, of course) and talk about growing up, I have a feeling that a lot of our funny family stories
will revolve around Mackventures.

Okay I know you haven't been gone that long but he looks so big to me! Happy Birthday to Mackey!
The neck thing with Calvin had me almost spit my drink out laughing....
Happy BDay!! I haven't check out everyone's blogs forever. As a matter of fact, yours is the 1st in who knows how long. So busy here. Lots of love, me
What a cutey! Is it just me or is time just flying by? Soren turns 5 in 3 1/2 months! I'm going crazy about it.
It looks like a happy birthday. Is his birthday really on the 19th? If so, then he and Andrew are exactly 2 months apart in age.
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